Results for 'Norman Brian Cubbage'

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  1.  34
    Nothingness and the Quarrel Between Faith and Reason.Norman Brian Cubbage - 2004 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 78 (1):1-24.
    In this paper, I examine the extent to which philosophical and theological debates concerning the concept of nothingness have shaped the contours of the debate between faith and reason in modern times. First, I argue that Parmenides, the most famous contributor to the question of nothingness, bequeaths conclusions to the tradition that are more ambivalent than usually recognized. Second, I show that nothingness re-enters philosophical debate in the West due to the role the notion plays in the Trinitarian debate in (...)
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    Gibbon at Lausanne.Brian Norman - 1994 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 13:137.
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  3. Advance Directives and the Pursuit of Death with Dignity.Norman Cantor & Brian Stoffell - 1995 - Bioethics 9 (5):448-448.
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    Concern for ethics in social, industrial, and clinical psychology as reflected in textbooks and journal articles.Robert A. Giacalone, Brian Robinson, Lynn Gracin, Norman Greenfeld & Paul Rosenfeld - 1982 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 20 (1):1-2.
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  5. Highlights of Brian Pollard's Views on Palliative Care.Norman Ford - 2005 - Chisholm Health Ethics Bulletin 10 (3):7.
  6. Understanding the persistent vegetative state and the ethics of care for its patients.Norman Ford - 2015 - The Australasian Catholic Record 92 (3):317.
    Ford, Norman In 1972 Brian Jennett and Fred Plum recommended the term 'persistent vegetative state' to describe a state of continuing 'wakefulness without awareness', which can follow a variety of severe insults to the brain. Their description of the syndrome has stood the test of time, but PVS continues to be a source of medical, legal, and ethical debate.
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    Truth, Religious Dialogue and Dynamic Orthodoxy: Reflections on the works of Brian Hebblethwaite. Edited by Julius J. Lipner.Norman Tanner - 2011 - Heythrop Journal 52 (3):540-540.
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    The Concept of Physical Law. Norman Swartz.Brian Wynne - 1987 - Isis 78 (3):438-439.
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    Churches and Religion in the Second World War. By Jan Bank with Lieve Gevers, translated by Brian Doyle. Pp. xv, 603, London/NY, Bloomsbury Academic, 2016, $29.95. [REVIEW]Norman Tanner - 2018 - Heythrop Journal 59 (2):337-339.
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    (1 other version)The Passionate Intellect: Incarnational Humanism and the Future of University Education. By Norman Klassen and Jens Zimmermann. [REVIEW]Brian Gregor - 2008 - Heythrop Journal 49 (5):892-893.
  11.  11
    Norman Daniels, Just Health Care. [REVIEW]Brian Cupples - 1986 - Philosophy in Review 6 (7):332-333.
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    The Roots of Eternity.Brian Leftow - 1988 - Religious Studies 24 (2):189 - 212.
    The claim that God is eternal is a standard feature of late–classical and mediaeval philosophical theology. It is prominent in discussions of the relation of God's foreknowledge to human freedom, and its consequences pervade traditional accounts of other kinds of divine knowledge, of God's will, and of God's relation to the world. So an examination of the concept of eternity promises to repay our efforts with a better understanding of the history of philosophical theology and with insight into the concept (...)
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    A Buddhist History of the West: Studies in Lack (review).Brian Karafin - 2003 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (1):170-174.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (2003) 170-174 [Access article in PDF] A Buddhist History of the West: Studies In Lack. By David R. Loy. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2002. 244 pp. The religious and philosophical situation of our time seems polarized between resurgent fundamentalisms and a cosmopolitan awareness bridging heretofore separated traditions. Even a few decades ago the notion of a dialogue between East and West was a (...)
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  14.  66
    (1 other version)Time, Actuality and Omniscience.Brian Leftow - 1990 - Religious Studies 26 (3):303 - 321.
    Many traditional theists have said that God is propositionally omniscient, i.e. knows all truths. Many traditional theists also hold that God is timeless. That is, these theists hold that though God exists, there is no time at which He exists, and He does not exist earlier or later than anything. Some recent philosophers, among them Arthor Prior, Robert Coburn, Norman Kretz mann, Nicholas Wolterstorfl Richard Gale and Patrick Grim, have argued that There are truths to whose expression ‘now’ is (...)
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  15.  62
    The Cambridge Companion to Anselm.Brian Leftow (ed.) - 2004 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    Anselm of Canterbury (1033-1109), Benedictine monk and the second Norman archbishop of Canterbury, is regarded as one of the most important philosophers and theologians of the Middle Ages. The essays in this volume explore all of his major ideas both philosophical and theological, including his teachings on faith and reason, God's existence and nature, logic, freedom, truth, ethics, and key Christian doctrines. There is also discussion of his life, the sources of his thought, and his influence on other thinkers. (...)
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  16. On a principle of sufficient reason.Brian Leftow - 2003 - Religious Studies 39 (3):269-286.
    In The Metaphysics of Creation and The Metaphysics of Theism, Norman Kretzmann defends an argument for God's existence which he claims to find in Aquinas. I assess this argument's key premise, a principle of sufficient reason, that: ‘PSR2: Every existing thing has a reason for its existence either in the necessity of its own nature or in the causal efficacy of some other beings’. PSR2 requires God's nature to explain His existence. Kretzmann does not tell us how this explanation (...)
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    K. V. Sinclair, ed., The Hospitallers' “Riwle” (“Miracula et regula hospitalis sancti Johannis Jerosolimitani”). (Anglo-Norman Texts, 42.) London: Anglo-Norman Text Society, 1984. Pp. xlix, 96; frontispiece. £15. [REVIEW]Brian Levy - 1987 - Speculum 62 (3):723-724.
  18. The phenomenology of prayer.Bruce Ellis Benson & Norman Wirzba (eds.) - 2005 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    This collection of ground-breaking essays considers the many dimensions of prayer: how prayer relates us to the divine; prayer's ability to reveal what is essential about our humanity; the power of prayer to transform human desire and action; and the relation of prayer to cognition. It takes up the meaning of prayer from within a uniquely phenomenological point of view, demonstrating that the phenomenology of prayer is as much about the character and boundaries of phenomenological analysis as it is about (...)
  19.  36
    John Locke on historical injustice: the redemptive power of contract.Brian Smith - 2024 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 27 (4):488-510.
    This paper seeks to argue that Locke proposes a coherent theory of restorative justice regarding historical crimes. In two cases that he sets out in the Second Treatise, that of the Greek Christians living in the Ottoman Empire and Englishmen living in the wake of William I’s conquest, the preliminary standard of historical redress is whether the descendants of the conquerors and conquered possess equal political rights. Conquered peoples cannot simply be subsumed or annexed into an existing political order. They (...)
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    Words of life: new theological turns in French phenomenology.Bruce Ellis Benson & Norman Wirzba (eds.) - 2010 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Words of Life is the sequel and companion to Phenomenology and the "Theological Turn," edited by Dominique Janicaud, Jean-Francois Courtine, Jean-Louis Chrétien, Michel Henry, Jean-Luc Marion, and Paul Ricoeur. In that volume, Janicaud accuses Levinas, Henry, Marion, and Chrétien of "veering" from phenomenological neutrality to a theologically inflected phenomenology. By contrast, the contributors to this collection interrogate whether phenomenology's proper starting point is agnostic or atheistic. Many hold the view that phenomenology after the theological turn may very well be true (...)
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  21. The Metaphysics of Creation: Aquinas’s Natural Theology in Summa contra gentiles II. [REVIEW]O. P. Brian J. Shanley - 2000 - Review of Metaphysics 53 (3):716-717.
    When Norman Kretzmann died in August of 1998, he left unfinished what was to have been a three volume presentation of Aquinas’s natural theology according to the first three books of the Summa contra gentiles. This second volume, the successor to The Metaphysics of Theism, thus stands as his final work. Kretzmann’s hope was to present Aquinas’s natural theology in such a way as to show its contemporary philosophical relevance and viability; it was not to be a historical reconstruction (...)
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  22.  12
    Over Wittgenstein gesproken: gesprekken met Adolf Hübner en Allan Janik, Brian McGuinness, Franz Parak, Elisabeth Anscombe, Anthony Kenny, Georg Henrik von Wright, Max Black, Jaako Hintikka, Herbert Spiegelberg, Norman Malcolm, Jacques Bouveresse.Frans Boenders - 1978 - Baarn: Wereldvenster. Edited by Adolf Hübner.
    Interviews met wijsgeren en andere wetenschapsmensen over de reden waarom zij zich met de persoon en het werk van de Oostenrijks-Engelse filosoof (1889-1951) bezighouden.
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  23.  34
    Gijsbert van den Brink, Luco J. van den Brom and Marcel Sarot. ed. Christian Faith and Philosophical Theology. Pp. 295.(Kok Pharos, Kampen, 1992.) Don Cupitt. The Time Being. Pp. 195.(SCM Press, London, 1992.)£ 9.95. Harold A. Netland. Dissonant Voices. Pp. 323.(Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, 1991)£ 14.95. Steven Heine, ed. A Study of Dogen, Masao Abe. Pp. 251.(SUNY, New York, 1991.) Brian Davies. The Thought of Thomas Aquinas. Pp. 391.(Clarendon, Oxford, 1992.)£ 45. Norman Solomon. Judaism and World Religion ... [REVIEW]Keith Ward - 1992 - Religious Studies 28 (3):433-434.
  24.  5
    Time and Eternity by Brian Leftow.James W. Felt - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (3):525-529.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 525 ever, Scharlemann's work is carefully reasoned, and should serve to encourage further reflection on the manner of human existence that is implied in the relation of discipleship. The book is in general well-printed, but there are some errors. The title of Chapter 4 is given incompletely in the table of contents. On p. 79, read intellectus quaerens fidem for intellectuals quaerens fidem. The Catholic University of (...)
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    Justice and Democracy: Essays for Brian Barry.Keith Dowding, Robert E. Goodin & Carole Pateman (eds.) - 2004 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    'Justice' and 'democracy' have alternated as dominant themes in political philosophy over the last fifty years. Since its revival in the middle of the twentieth century, political philosophy has focused on first one and then the other of these two themes. Rarely, however, has it succeeded in holding them in joint focus. This volume brings together leading authors who consider the relationship between democracy and justice in a set of specially written chapters. The intrinsic justness of democracy is challenged, the (...)
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  26. Time and Eternity.Brian Leftow - 1992 - Religious Studies 28 (3):429-431.
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  27.  43
    Functional measurement and psychophysical judgment.Norman H. Anderson - 1970 - Psychological Review 77 (3):153-170.
  28. (1 other version)Business Ethics.Norman Bowie & Ronald Duska - 1992 - Journal of Business Ethics 11 (9):718-728.
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  29. The Liberal Theory of Justice: A Critical Examination of the Principal Doctrines in a Theory of Justice by John Rawls.Brian Barry - 1973 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 37 (1):156-157.
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    The groundwork of Christian ethics.Norman Hamilton Galloway Robinson - 1971 - Grand Rapids, Mich.,: Eerdmans.
    "Many theologians, as well as many philosophers, may be heard today asserting that there neither is nor can be any such thing as a uniquely Christian ethical system. On the one hand it is argued that an ethic based on revelation must be inherently static, unable to respond to new demands and situations; but if the ethical code is little more than a refinement of so-called natural law or natural morality, then there is no reason to term it Christian. In (...)
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  31. Hermann Weyl (1885–1955).Norman Sieroka - 2008 - In Michel Weber and Will Desmond (ed.), Handbook of Whiteheadian Process Thought. De Gruyter. pp. 2--539.
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    Metaphysics: an introduction.Brian Carr - 1987 - Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press.
  33.  14
    Unified Social Cognition.Norman H. Anderson - 2008 - Psychology Press.
    Unified theory of cognition -- Psychological laws -- Foundations of person cognition -- Functional theory of attitudes -- Attitude integration theories -- Comparisons of attitude theories -- Moral algebra -- Group dynamics -- Cognitive theory of judgment-decision -- General theory -- Experimental methods -- Unified science of psychology.
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  34. Individual and social responsibility for health.Norman Daniels - 2011 - In Carl Knight & Zofia Stemplowska (eds.), Responsibility and distributive justice. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 266--286.
  35. The credulity of conspiracy theorists: Conspiratorial, scientific & religious explanation compared.Brian L. Keeley - 2018 - In Joseph Uscinski (ed.), Conspiracy Theories and the People Who Believe Them. Oxford University Press. pp. 284-294.
    Where does entertaining (or promoting) conspiracy theories stand with respect to rational inquiry? According to one view, conspiracy theorists are open-minded skeptics, being careful not to accept uncritically common wisdom, exploring alternative explanations of events, no matter how unlikely they might seem at first glance. Seen this way, they are akin to scientists attempting to explain the social world. On the other hand, they are also sometimes seen as overly credulous, believing everything they read on the internet, say. In addition (...)
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  36. Benchmarks of Fairness for Health Care Reform.Norman Daniels, Donald W. Light & Ronald L. Caplan - 1998 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 41 (4):605.
  37.  10
    The claim of morality.Norman Hamilton Galloway Robinson - 1952 - London,: V. Gollancz.
  38. (1 other version)New Studies in the Philosophy of Descartes. Descartes as Pioneer.Norman Kemp Smith - 1953 - Synthese 9 (6):411-411.
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    An exchange on functional and conjoint measurement: Comment.Norman H. Anderson - 1971 - Psychological Review 78 (5):457-457.
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    The Second Virgilian Priapean, II. 6–9.Norman W. DeWitt - 1922 - The Classical Review 36 (3-4):73-.
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    Faith and Duty.Norman Hamilton Galloway Robinson - 1950 - London,: Gollancz.
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    Averaging model analysis of set-size effect in impression formation.Norman H. Anderson - 1967 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 75 (2):158.
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  43. Arbeit. Musse. Meditation. Betrachtungen zur Vita activa und Vita contemplativa.Brian Vickers - 1987 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 177 (3):331-332.
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    Integration psychophysics is not traditional psychophysics.Norman H. Anderson - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (3):559-560.
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    Descartes on distinction.Norman J. Wells - 1966 - In Frederick J. Adelmann (ed.), The Quest for the absolute. Chestnut Hill: Boston College. pp. 104--134.
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    And Hope does not Disappoint: Love, Grace and the Subjectivity in the Work of Bernard J. F. Lonergan, S.J.Brian Bajzek - 2019 - The Lonergan Review 10:158-162.
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    John Lauritz Larson, Laid Waste! The Culture of Exploitation in Early America.Brian Allen Drake - 2021 - Environmental Values 30 (3):387-389.
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    How to Find Out What Is Morally Right or Wrong.Norman Ford - 1999 - Chisholm Health Ethics Bulletin 5 (1):10.
  49.  11
    Treatment at the End of Life and Ethics.Norman Ford - 2002 - Chisholm Health Ethics Bulletin 8 (2):3.
  50. Communication and representation: Why mentalistic reasoning is a lifelong endeavour.Norman H. Freeman - 2000 - In Peter Mitchell & Kevin John Riggs (eds.), Children's Reasoning and the Mind. Psychology Press/Taylor & Francis. pp. 349--366.
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